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An Interview With Emma Harris of Healthy Pets

An Interview With Emma Harris of Healthy Pets

Emma Harris Bo Healthy Pets Mumbles and Bumbles.jpg

They say a dog is a man’s best friend, but in this case, a dog is a woman’s “Chief Inspiration Officer.” Meet Healthy Pets founder and CEO, Emma Harris, and her adorable sidekick, Bo, the yellow Labrador Retriever. Intelligent and outgoing with boundless energy, this duo is a force to be reckoned with in the growing field of medical technology innovations.

Healthy Pets’ goal is to bring veterinary medicine to the 21st century by linking pet owners to vets through an online consultation platform. The inspiration sprang from Harris’ own experience and frustration with the expenses and nerves of being a new pet owner.

“Last year, I would say I spent around $10,000 on Bo. He was certainly an exception with [many medical issues including] allergies, a rare lungworm infection, ear infections, as well as a chronically dry nose. However, owning a pet isn’t cheap for anyone,” said Harris.

Couple unique health issues with the uncertainty of owning a new pet, and the costs can soar. Each trip to the vet costs, on average, about $100 just to walk in. For pet owners who struggle with the question of whether a physical visit is warranted, the benefits of online consultations are clear.

Healthy Pets eliminates overhead costs, while allowing pet owners on demand access to local professional opinions in a more affordable way. A single consultation costs just $40, while a year-long subscription costs $10 a month. After four consultations, a discounted rate of $25 is offered. For owners who need the peace of mind but can’t afford a trip every time their dog’s nose gets dry, this service is invaluable.

According to Harris, the value extends to vets as well. Vets are able to maximize their efficiency by triaging symptoms to determine whether a clinic visit is warranted or if the situation should simply be monitored. Through the Healthy Pets service, they are also able to reach new patients and expand their practice while maintaining their preferred working hours.

“There are many misconceptions about vets as high income earners. The truth is, veterinarian medicine is a highly competitive field yet many vets make less than a bus driver makes in Oakville,” Harris explained. “Healthy Pets  allows vets to supplement their incomes, satisfy their current customer base as well as gain new ones.”

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It has been about eighteen months since Harris launched her startup, Healthy Pets. In that time she has been accepted to Waterloo’s prestigious Accelerator Center program, taken home multiple tech awards including Telus’ 2017 Most Promising Startup in Canada, and appeared on popular entrepreneurial show, Dragons’ Den.

While success has come quickly for 26-year old Harris, it is not to say starting a business has been easy. Building a company within the confines of the veterinary medicine field has had unique challenges. Among them, include the tendency to veer towards the traditional.

“The greatest challenge I faced was the regulation of the industry. The time I had the most self-doubt about the viability of my company was when the College of Veterinarians of Ontario told me to shut down,” Harris smiled. “Vets are brilliant, interesting people but they are risk-averse, especially to tech.

Harris overcame the hurdle with a team at Bennett Jones LLP who worked to mitigate the concerns of the College. The experience was a learning lesson for Harris who stated, “I learned to replace my questions with conversations about the benefits of what my product could offer all parties.”

There is no better place for Harris to transfer this learning than to the set of Dragons’ Den. As a pre-revenue company, her goal for the pitch wasn’t necessarily to rake in the cash but to gain a valuable business partner. In the end, Harris achieved both. Following last night’s episode it was confirmed Healthy Pets would receive $500K in seed funding from District Ventures Capital, a VC fund led by Arlene Dickinson, one of Canada's most renowned business women and entrepreneurs. Healthy Pets will use the funding to scale its operation across Ontario and Canada.

As Harris discusses her own ambitions to become a successful businesswoman, it becomes clear gender is an important topic to her. A topic she recognizes plays a role both personally and in her professional life as an entrepreneur.

“Women often hesitate to say something in a conversation unless they know it will 100% add value. Men tend to speak out and say what’s on their mind. I wouldn’t recommend either approach but I will say, the latter gets you noticed. The same thing happens with female entrepreneurs. 4% of venture capitalist funds in Canada go to female entrepreneurs. Part of the reason is women are afraid to ask or accept the funding. They want to make sure they can offer 100% value to their investor.”

Harris credits her family, her strong network, including other female entrepreneurs and her partner, Nigel, for providing support and confidence in her abilities. “I recently was at a 500-person conference where I was one of four women. It takes a lot of confidence to walk around with your head held high, telling yourself ‘I belong here.’”

Listening to Harris speak, whether or not she belongs is not even a question. The unwavering confidence and knowledge in her product offering is only matched by her passion for providing a unique service to pet owners. They say every dog has its day, but if the past eighteen months have been any indication, Healthy Pets’ has many years of success ahead.

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Download the Healthy Pets app at the Google Play Store or Apple Store or visit their website here

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