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Emma Enchanted

Emma Troupe, otherwise known by her media alias @miss_3mma, is a 21-year-old social media phenomenon from Canada who has been growing her health and wellness empire by the day. Balancing holistic nutrition school, up-coming projects for her blog, and thousands of dedicated followers, there is no telling what's next for this mogul in the making. I chatted with Emma about some issues that are close to her heart, as well as what's next for her and her brand. 

So Emma, we’ve known each other since kindergarten… It’s been amazing to watch you grow and develop your brand. I think the coolest thing for me has been seeing your Instagram following climb higher and higher… you’re at 54.4k (Editor’s note: at time of publication – she’s currently at 63.1 k) right now! What are your thoughts on social media and its power in our generation, since it has had such a big impact on your own life?

Social media is an extremely powerful tool that has allowed me to build a global network. At the moment the biggest craze on social media is fitness and health. But this social media fitness craze has also brought along peer pressure, low self-esteem and thoughts and feelings of depression. Social media unfortunately leads to a focus on material things and has exacerbated a real issue facing young women and men: how to accept yourself.  You must learn to accept your body and what you have. I think social media should be used to get the word out there that this is who I am, this is what I am going to accomplish in life and this is how I am going to do it! We should be proud of ourselves!

I completely agree! You started your social media presence on Instagram, but have since launched your own website and just announced that you are currently worked on an eBook! Are there any other projects in the works or major goals that you are aiming to achieve?

My list of goals is constantly growing! But something I would definitely like to accomplish is creating a plan which will put holistic nutrition education in secondary schools. Teaching holistic nutrition education at a younger age will prevent many physical and mental health issues in later years. I never had the option to learn about holistic education until after secondary school and I really wish I had some knowledge about it earlier. Being aware of holistic education can protect your physical and mental health, intelligence and confidence. What better way to make the world a better place than by starting with education? 

Was there a turning point in your life that led you down this path of health and wellness?

I was introduced to The Institute of Holistic Nutrition (IHN) by a family member and only heard amazing things. After reading about the program I thought, this couldn’t be a better fit for me! I have always had an open mind but after studying at IHN I realized how important the mind-body connection is and how important it is to have them in balance. Studying holistic nutrition is what really pushed me down the path of health, wellness and fitness!

As students, there are stressors and pressures in our lives that we are faced with daily. I’ve noticed that a huge focus of yours is not only on wellness in terms of physical health, but also on mental health. Do you have any tips or advice on how students faced with stress can maintain their mental wellness?

Stress is extremely overwhelming and one of the leading causes of disease. As students we are constantly trying to retain as much information as we can, studying for hours on end and overloading our brains! This can be very demanding on the body. Here are a couple tips I always keep in mind to de-stress:

1.) Let yourself physically and mentally rest! Get into the deepest sleep cycle by being away from your phone or screens for at least an hour before you go to bed, and practice deep breathing. Deep breathing relaxes the nervous system. The nervous system is wrapped around every organ in your body, so physically slowing it down can bring you into complete relaxation for a fully rested sleep.

2.) Tell yourself what you want to hear. It happens; we all have a little doubt in our capabilities, which can prevent us from achieving our goals. We all need a little extra encouragement to accomplish that goal sometimes. Affirmations are very powerful and successful for supporting and protecting the mind and organs that are susceptible to stress.

A big focus and theme throughout this issue of MUSE is on body acceptance. I think that we can both agree that loving your body and appreciating its capabilities can change your life. You speak on your website about your own struggles with this topic – do you have any words of advice for people dealing with the same struggles right now?

Many realize how hard it is to love our bodies when the pressure to look a certain way is promoted throughout social media. This shouldn’t be a way to live. We must learn to love what we were born with - our body is our home, our one chamber that we were given to live in. Work towards changing your perspective by forgetting everything bad you’ve ever said about your body.  Delete the negative and accentuate the positive! 

Originally published in: Muse Magazine

Photos courtesy of: @miss_3mma