A M&B Guide to: Brussels
After an unexpected train rescheduling, I arrived in Brussels from London two days early, to blue skies and the beautiful sunshine that had been expectedly lacking in bonny England.
The earlier arrival meant I’d have to work for my first couple days in the city… compounded with a gnarly dual case of pneumonia and bronchitis - let’s just say the situation pre-empted low expectations.
Yet with all those preconceptions and hiccups in mind, I found Brussels deeply charming. It is a classically beautiful European capital, complete with palatial architecture and groomed gardens. And its lower profile meant fewer crowds than your typical European summer mosh pit. I loved its walkability, variety of foods from around the world, and mix of contemporary meets traditional design.
Most things I had read about Brussels described it as a stopover destination, for a quick peak at the legislature of the European Commission and a few photos of a statue of a little boy peeing.
Like the analyses of Brussels before me – I concur. It might not be a destination for a week away, or the one to visit if you are looking for nightlife bustle, but Brussels is well worth a weekend visit and certainly deserving of more than people give it credit.
But of course… there is good strategy in under-promising and over-delivering.
With that in mind, here are a few of the favourites from along the way.
BOUCHE Speciality Coffee
A great coffee shop, situated right beside the stunning Royal Palace of Brussels.
Fika Coffee
A personal favourite, their little courtyard in the back is a gorgeous way to spend a spring morning.
I had a lovely time sitting at the bar, enjoying all the fresh pasta they had on offer.
Le Saint Boniface
If you can snag a street patio spot, this is an ideal locale for a Spritz and French dinner.
Au Vieux Bruxelles
For a bucket of Belgian moules frites, this was an authentic, classic brasserie.
Knees to Chin
Fab spot for a quick bite or a small snack. Their fresh rolls are incredible and quite satisfying. The Peking Dull roll is 10/10.
La Fabrique en Ville
A beautiful, breezy brunch spot - great for a late morning beverage in the sunshine. Their patio is lovely, if you can manage to grab one.
Le Pain Quotidien
I would never normally recommend a chain, but this is the original and worth checking out if you ask me. The greenhouse space in the back is gorgeous on a nice sunny day.
Mer du Nord - Noordzee
The square that Noordzee sits on is quite lively, and you can often find musicians or dancers busking. Grab a a bowl of fresh seafood from the Belgian coast and enjoy the free show.
Why is it that you find the cutest pottery and ceramics while on vacation?! This store is a bit dangerous if you don’t want to lug a ceramic mug home.
Urban Therapy
The cutest small business, with lots of great books, bags, and crafty suppliers.